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Author: Tijs Krammer

Vocal Leadership: An introduction

New in the Netherlands: Vocal Leadership! The innovative choral leadership method, developed in Denmark. What is Vocal Leadership about? For whom is Vocal Leadership? Check it out here!

Vocal Leader­ship in school

NEW: Vocal Leadership in School!

What will you learn: our classes

The things we teach you during your Vocal Leadership education are quite specific. Not only will you be given input for choir leading from several top teachers, you’ll also be introduced to ‘move & groove’. Find out more about our classes and content, here!

What will you learn: our teachers

For the Vocal Leadership classes we have compiled a team of international teachers. All of the teachers are aware of the connection their class has with the other classes. Some teachers teach several classes and topics.

Courses and Education

If you want to be a Vocal Leadership student, you have several options. Here you can read all about them and decide which one suits you best.

Dates, deadlines and costs

More dates announced now!